Saturday, July 29, 2006

I'm in a strange place, with a strange woman...

Random question that shall be answered. Whats the craziest thing you'd do for a trillion dollars? Think about it. There will be a bunch of shit that you could do but someone will find something dumber, unintelligent and alot better sounding for the same trillion dollars. So give it some serious thought. It's one of those questions where there's never a good enough answer.

After being at work today I think there is still hope for the life of a college student after college. MY COUSIN IS INSANE! The man lives a life that can be comparable to Kramer. Not married, works at an industrial size beer store, goes out every night, it's like a fantasy life for grown men. Like today he didn't show up to work. Why? He had too much of a good time at a Peter Frampton concert the night before. Guy wakes up and can't find his car. How the hell does that happen? I've lost clothes but never my car. It's a 2500 pound hunk of metal it cant just sneak away. Best part is, 3 hours later, guy still couldn't find his car or figure out what town he was in. I love it.

I like to drive. It's a pretty known fact to those who know me. I'm a damn good driver with directions and places. So this morning I volunteered to make a huge delivery to a wedding in Rhinebeck. The whole time driving up there I'm thinking I would get a decent tip since its a far drive and a big order right. Wrong. Bitch stiffed me. Nothing. She asked for her reciept and tells me I can go. Cheap mofo. It's not over. She calls 5 hours later and tells me I forgot the ice. Shit. I tell her to check the reciept and call back. She does saying she ordered 42 sleeves of ice and the caterer is screaming at her. Thats 1700 pounds of ice. I get there and theres nowhere and I mean absoluelty nowhere to put this shit. Fuck 'em. Not my problem. She was supposed to check the reciept before I left, make sure the order was right. I go back to the store and turns out she only ordered 20 sleeves. So we accidentally gave her 230 bucks of extra ice. No big deal. We have her credit card number, and she probably won't be coming back to our store.

Doping in sports is really starting to get old. It's like since the media and anti doping agencies can't squeeze the truth out of Barry Bonds they put the spotlight on other athletes who are amazing at what they do. Like Floyd Landis. The other day I'm watching sportscenter and it's all over that his testosterone to epitestosterone was out of whack. Both hormones are produced by your body and if he was taking testosterone supplements he would have showed higher levels of it before that one stage. Get off the guys nuts and go back to pressuring Balco Barry to 'fess up about his steriod use. But I guess getting the truth from him is the equivalent of getting a shower pooper to 'fess up too.

I hate our media.


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