Thursday, July 06, 2006

Have you ridden first class? No? I have. So you don't know what you're missing. I do.

I've been so wrapped up in watching the world cup and working the past few weeks I havent updated all too much. Sorry. I have had some awesome ideas since I last updated but I keep forgetting to write them down, which isn't unlike me at all so don't be worried that I've changed. With the world cup on though I have been realizing how much I miss playing soccer and that I need to get back into it next year. I was pretty amped up watching Germany keep advancing through the semis but now I have to watch a final where I don't give a shit who wins since Deutchland is no longer in it. Although I would have enjoyed to watch the consolation be between Germany and France just to hear what the fans would be yelling at the French. THAT would've been classic.

So anyway back to my rants of nothingness. Someone today IM'ed me with the idea dealing with Superman. Here it is. If the kryptons were so damned smart and could build anything by manipulating crystals then why the hell couldn't they build landing gear for their ships? Not once in ANY of the Superman comics or movies do you see them attempt to make a safe landing. It's always just a huge crash into the cornfield. Even in the new one Clark just slams into an acre of corn just destroying it completely like always.

Anywho if you have'nt seen the new Superman I highly suggest you do. Not to mention Kate Bosworth is SLAMMING! If you haven't seen the movie then disregard my next sentence. Of course they had to pick a hot woman to be Lois Lane otherwise there would be no Superman seed. The only thing my brother kept saying the whole movie was "Superman Returns 2: The seed" It was appropriate since that was in the movie.

I was just reminded about this one show that used to be on T.V. when a Dashboard song came rolling through my itunes. I was a big fan of it and I was very disappointed when ABC decided to say the show was going to return after Christmas but it never did. I'm talking about "Life as we know it". It was supposed to run against The O.C. and I personally along with alot of other people liked it more. It seemes alot more of a realistic show and had better twists. Like the kids hockey coach nailing his mom and his buddy goes ahead and nails his teacher who was gorgeous. It took place in seattle which so happens to be a town that I know nothing about except for a space needle and Bill Gates. I was really hoping they put it back on the air but they never did. Figures.

Does anyone else have any thoughts on this blog?


Blogger S.Vincent said...

you lost me when you started talking about foosball or whatever the world cup is for.

PS: you might get more comments if you allow annonymous posters. Right now, you have it turned off.

10:02 AM  

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