Wednesday, June 14, 2006

An affair? That's so adult!

I love the way that Seinfeld, no matter what the circumstance, is always truthful about life in ways we don't want to admit. All of the situations on that show are everyday happenings that are just elaborated on with what we really want to say in those situations but don't because of embarrassment. Well screw those people. You only live once do whatever you want. Embarrass yourself daily, put money on a fishing line and mess around with the old people, do whatever you want that makes you happy. Just don't end up being an existentialist, because that just goes to show you really don't give a hoot about anything or anyone but yourself.

I don't really know why but for some reason I feel the need to spell some words like a british man. Mainly the words colour and withe. Theres no reason for it, it just kinds happens. If my supervisor can go around the warehouse talking like Dane Cook at all times, then I think I should be allowed to type how I want to.

Since I've come back home from school there has been one thing that has become more obvious. PEOPLE CANNOT DRIVE!!! Everyone drives immorally slow, no one bothers to looke when they pull into traffic, or passing you, tailgating seems to be the new thing to do nowadays, in general, people cannot drive. And women certainly are worse without a doubt I don't care what they think. But the only woman that can drive is Danica and unless you're a woman that looks like her, then you probably can't drive. I bring this up because I rear ended a woman in an SUV last week (no worse combination). Oh yea. Big ups to me. Turns out this lady does not like to pull into traffic unless she has all 3 lanes of the highway clear so she can pull out. Well she began to move so I turned around to check the road and by god you could have fit the entire red army in this gap between traffic and as I start to turn around I felt the impact. I hit her maybe doing 2 or 3 miles an hour with my foot still on the brake and this lady was throwing a shit fit about her leased vehicle. She had no right I was the one with the fucked up hood and she had a scratch on her bumper the size of an ant.

I really hate Barry Bonds and all of his gay San Francisco fans with a passion. They make the biggest deal about this guy passing Babe Ruth in the all-time home run standing when the asshole had to cheat to do it. And the worst part is that he won't admit to it saying that they weren't illegal. I'd love for him to come to yankee stadium just so I can throw some syringes on the field for the guy.

Clarkey I got some news for you, your girl milla has got nothing on kate beckinsale. NOTHING!!

This was way overdue.


Blogger S.Vincent said...

we'll call it a tie. Even though Milla has been hot since Kate was pooping her pants, I'll concede to her being hot as well.

8:47 AM  
Blogger Craig said...

no tie. this isn't soccer. I win.

5:24 PM  

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