Monday, April 24, 2006

It's a Celebration Bitches!

You ever have one of those days when you wake up and you just get that feeling it is going to be awesome? I feel that today is one of those days probably because I woke up feeling great. It's a rarity for anyone to wake up and feel like that but when it happens its just sweet.

I think it's funny when your nose tends to get numb from the cold and you can't feel the snot running out of it. So as your day goes on the strand of mucus just keeps getting longer and you have no idea it's there. Of course this isn't funny if it's happening to you but I seem to get a kick out it when it happens to others. It is kinda gross though.

If i lived in the west when it was cool with outlaws and barroom brawls I would make billy the kide look like a girl. I'd be shooting people left and right he'd get all scared and turn to the brothels for asylum. After he learned how to cross-dress and take advantadge of drunk men, much like the modern day swamp donkey does.

Cael loves swamp donkeys. Plain and simple. Something tells me Fullam might also.

I love watching the socially awkward persons in this world try to interact with others that do not have to same personality as them. It's great because as your watchhing them converse all you can think to yourself is "does this person realize that they are a complete tool?" and if you are the person they are talking to you just yes them to death until they go away. But even that doesn't always work so you tell them they're fucking weird and walk away.

I love how something as simple as not being able to fall asleep turns into the best thing possible at that moment in time. You know who I'm talking about but for those of you who don't I'm talking about good ole Evan Q. The kid's got the I.Q. of a 15 year old blonde but he's never in a bad mood. Maybe because he laughs at everything you say. Including his name. Soome one once told a story that was about 5 minutes long and he spent four and-a-half of those minutes laughing. Who has the ability to do that besides infants?


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