Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Hello half time..

That's what I heard for the majority of the day followed by a series of random questions. More importantly borderline retarted questions I would expect from kindergartners. For instance if
I answer the phone and say "hello half time" you would give me a question and I would give you information back pertaining to your question, right? Well today I answered the phone just like I do everyday and the woman replied "hi is this pepsi?" By instinct I wanted to hang up the phone and be rude but my manager was standing next to me so I couldn't. So I politely told her it wasn't and she was on her way. Guess not.

No less than 20 minutes later the phone rings again so I answer it and on the other end I am given the same question. ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS!!!!? I felt like doing a Lewis Black routine with the stupidity I was listening to on the other end. So my manager looks at me and can tell it was the same person by the way my jaw was on the floor and by now I didn't give a shit. So I asked her if I said this was pepsi. 'No'. Did ou call here before and ask for pepsi? 'Yes' So you get the point that this is not the number for pepsi? 'Yes'. Okay good, now stop wasting my time.

I could only imagine her face on the other end. It had to be one of those "how dare you speak to me that way" with a very appalled tone of voice.


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