Monday, April 24, 2006

It's a Celebration Bitches!

You ever have one of those days when you wake up and you just get that feeling it is going to be awesome? I feel that today is one of those days probably because I woke up feeling great. It's a rarity for anyone to wake up and feel like that but when it happens its just sweet.

I think it's funny when your nose tends to get numb from the cold and you can't feel the snot running out of it. So as your day goes on the strand of mucus just keeps getting longer and you have no idea it's there. Of course this isn't funny if it's happening to you but I seem to get a kick out it when it happens to others. It is kinda gross though.

If i lived in the west when it was cool with outlaws and barroom brawls I would make billy the kide look like a girl. I'd be shooting people left and right he'd get all scared and turn to the brothels for asylum. After he learned how to cross-dress and take advantadge of drunk men, much like the modern day swamp donkey does.

Cael loves swamp donkeys. Plain and simple. Something tells me Fullam might also.

I love watching the socially awkward persons in this world try to interact with others that do not have to same personality as them. It's great because as your watchhing them converse all you can think to yourself is "does this person realize that they are a complete tool?" and if you are the person they are talking to you just yes them to death until they go away. But even that doesn't always work so you tell them they're fucking weird and walk away.

I love how something as simple as not being able to fall asleep turns into the best thing possible at that moment in time. You know who I'm talking about but for those of you who don't I'm talking about good ole Evan Q. The kid's got the I.Q. of a 15 year old blonde but he's never in a bad mood. Maybe because he laughs at everything you say. Including his name. Soome one once told a story that was about 5 minutes long and he spent four and-a-half of those minutes laughing. Who has the ability to do that besides infants?

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Mmm.. These Burnt Fries are BANGIN'!!!!

Has anyone ever thought of the way certain fads get started acroos the country? Take the classic basketball game of knock-out for example. Somewhere some kid had the idea and it spread like wildfire. Chances are the loser that came up with it lived in Idaho, just for irony's sake.

Living up to my Seinfeld standards of life I feel obliged to include this in my blog. What is the deal with old people and their clothes? There can only be one of two things as to why they wear what they do. They either save their clothes from when they were younger or there actually is a store where they shop around for those sweet flower patterned shirts for the women, and the oddly colored plaid pants for men. You can't find those patterns anywhere today. It's like trying to find the jumpsuits the guidos used to wear ten years ago. You just can't find them anywhere besides an attic.

So the other night at dinner someone certainly has never seen more than one type of fries in their lifetime. As our food comes to the table we all start to eat and glover just blurts out "these burnt fries are mad good" And the rest of us just look at him. Clearly he's never had sweet potato fries in his life. But how do you get the orange color of them mixed up with a charred burnt black? This is almost like the tootsie pop question "the world may never know."

I knida get sick of when people underestimate how hard rowing really is. It's really not like a damn rowboat where you put the paddle in and go. You gotta worry about so much more shit than just that. Like your timing, power, and technique. Not to mention your clothes. You can't exactly go to practice dressed like the cast of In Living Color. All your threads will get caught up in the slide yo. So we resort to spandex, which in turn, get called gay for wearing it. But I don't mind, it just gives me one less thing to worry about. Excpet for when it comes laundry time and I don't have any.

Every time I ride an elevator at school I get nervous for some reason. Probably because they are about as reliable as a hooptie.

Written while listening to Angels & Airwaves

Monday, April 10, 2006

And they wonder why they're fat

Since I signed up to use some internet space to rant on I'm going to use it as much as possible. One thing that has bothered me for several years is the fact that girls will not eat good food. But the moment a pie or another tasty treat is placed in front of them they become savages. Take for example the classic sienfeld episode where Jerry takes a woman out for dinner but all she gets is a salad. Now compare this to what women crew teams do at a regatta. Those "ladies" will devour anything in sight, this goes for lightweights as well. In six and-a-half years I have never gotten first dibs on anything in the food tent. And when I have the chance I am always told to wait or that it's not time to eat yet.

I hate it when you get sunburn without even realizing it. Because alot of us look like racoons with the way our faces got burnt.

I have a feeling that some people don't always want to commit to the things they are doing. It doesn't have to be about sports necessarily it could also be about school. Like people who major in certain areas in college because it's what their parents want them to do and it looks good on paper. But in reality the things that look good on paper aren't always the best option to go for. And as far as sports go I feel like just because the event isn't a solo person than they feel they might have the need to cut back slightly and let the others take the brunt of the force. Like a soccer game where you fell you wont have to run as fast or be as good as the other person on your team because you know they will put themselves forth for the rest of the team. Hm. That kinda takes the meaning out of team doesn't it?

Another thing I've always had a problem with is when things can't be done on time. This mainly applies to races when you do nothing but sit out there at the starting line waiting for the officials to start your race. And why are you waiting out there for so long? Because the womens teams (mainly novices) are just as bad on the water with what they have to do as they are with the food in the tent. Sheesh.

You ever listen to a song and it brings you back to a different time in your life? I always thought it was wierd but it's pretty cool too. It's like being hypnotized and when you hear something you think of something different.

This was written listening to MCR's "Cemetery Drive"

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Isn't this supposed to be a fun time?

Remember when you we're younger and you would hear your parents talking about their college times but never what they did? You would always have to find out what they did from their friends with the loud mouths. And when you heard the stories you felt obligated to top that. Well I don't know if it's possible to top my dad without getting kicked out but I would love to give it the Animal house try. "We can do whatever we want. We're college students." That summed it up right there. My dad actually had an animal house where the front door never closed and it was always a party (of course his friends told me this). I was just going through a website and I came across a real reason to have fun while you still in college. The caption of the photo can sum it up pretty well. Since I know clarkey parties this way.

Since when did sunglass companies deem it necessary to make things other than sunglasses? I'm talking about you clarkey. Those pants you wore last week were SO GAY. There's no other way to put it. This is why you don't buy jeans online. Shirts are fine. It's hard for companies to screw up those pics but jeans are another story. They can lay them flat and take a picture or have someone model them and cut out the model.

Back to my last post about the girls in the library, tonight seems to be pretty dead theres like a total of 20 girls and alot more sausages in here tonight. I'm very disappointed but I am happy that there are no ugly ones in here. That would totally defeat the purpose of me coming to the library to begin with tonight. I came to get those wierd images of rory dancing out of my head. But everytime I hear the words "call on me" I can see rory dancing in my head instead of the girls that are in the video.

I really want to know where Jerry got that astronaut pen from. I really want one just because I think it would be cool to write down ideas for my blog with the most obscure thing I could find. That would make me content. If I can't get that then I'll just have to steal a nice pen.

Just for the record men should not be carrying bags with them at all times. The only acceptable thing is a backpack, but not a large one unless it is actually filled with books. Those big sling packs that some "men" use to carry around the contents of a womens purse is an insult to masculinity. Especially while wearing gay oakley pants. Wow. This slamming chick just walked by. The library is good for the eyes I guess.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Could spandex really be a life mantra?

Elaborating on the title for this blog and for the ecstasy clarkey will expeience once he reads this. I find myself enjoying spandex to work out and going commando when not. Like even when im in my room im either wearing just shorts or just boxers. Never the two together, it gets all bunchy and thats just uncomfortable.

Something that really bothers me is when you have such an awesome idea that it gains epiphany status. And then out of nowhere you forget it. Some people call it a brain fart but I'd like to think of it as a brain shit. A fart can come back in a couple of minutes or hours. A deuce you have to wait at least a day to regain that thought. Or you could tap into the Dave Chapelle invention shack and pick up your portable stenographer. By the way when is that guy going to start a new season? I'm getting anxious.

You ever feel that when you get jipped out of something everything else can only go downhill from there? Sometimes that's not always the case but about 95% of the time it is. Kinda like when a used car salesman sells you a lemon and it stops on the highway. 95% of the time that happens you have to wait there for a tow truck to come along or your buddy. But sometimes you might get lucky and get picked up by the hottest Baberham Lincoln you ever did see. That's never the case but I like to dream.

Why do geese and other flying birds find it necessesary to shit all over things that you need to use for recreation? Not once in my 7 years of rowing have I seen a dock virtually shit-free. this goes for golf courses as well. You could clean the dock off and 20 minutes later the geese will be back and in full force, like when the germans invaded Paris. Twice.

I wish I didn't have that brain shit earlier today. This would have been more interesting.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Berettas, Brats, and Beer (Triple B!)

As I've gotten older I have started to realize my life has been deja vu for the past 6 years. I feel like George Costanza mainly in the fact that I have nothing to look forward too about my day. I get up do the same shit with the same people, maybe throw in a little nap and some roomate avoidance. Although the library is turning into a scapegoat for my sanity but George would never be caught dead there.

That's another thing I've come to realize. The library is the most underrated place on a college campus to find attractive women. Screw going to the bar and meeting women go to the library instead. These girls are sober, smart, and don't throw up on you when you start a conversation. Actually forget that last part. I forgot you're supposed to be quiet in the library. But maybe someday I'll break that rule and spit some game to these hoes.

Anywho, the brat made an appearance last night to some fine young lads on their birthday. Only after the berettas were brought out the night before and the beer after the brat. But seriously what would posess a man to wear a womans thong for fun? Yes it does look funny but I'm really not all that interested in seeing another mans balls hanging out of the sides.

What's the deal with kids acting like their 9 when they are inebriated? No joke. I come back last night and someone is playing with duct tape and giggling like an infant. Grow up kids your in college now. Stop acting like it's your first time drinking in high school and try to get with that sexy co-ed in your shakespeare class. You know the one that I see in the library all the time but can never talk to because of that "no talking" rule.

You know how when you watch T.V. you sometimes wish you could go back in time? Well I think it would be cool to go back to the roaring 20's. I'd be such a gentelmen, drinking scotch and brandy, while going to balls with my stellar wife. Yes it was the prohibition era, but who says I can't live like Jay Gatsby? That guy was the man. Big ass house, money, and an underground booze line for all of manhattan island to feed on.