Sunday, April 29, 2007

Wake for young souls

It hit me the other day. The most blatantly obvious idea that goes through your mind every fucking day. Not sex but the end of things. I really mean the result of things. Like take for instance a scratch off ticket. You read the grand prize and immediately start thinking of all the shit you could do with that money. London, France, buying some new underpants. Whatever you want you can have. But then you don't win shit and fall back to earth. HA!

Same shit goes for when you're in the shower. You think about every decision you've ever made in your life and the outcome of that. So you wonder what could've happened if you went left instead of right, no instead of yes, not having one less drink, not blacking out, not meeting who you did. And suddenly you become like George Costanza. Every instinctual decision you made your whole life was wrong and it has led you in the wrong direction. And frankly you don't give two shits so you pick up your beer and turn the T.V. back on.


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