Tuesday, May 23, 2006


It's summer break kiddies and that can only mean a few things, college kids party at home, work, and workout. It's a pretty standard plan for most of us when we come back since we're going to have more debt than a fat person after lipo but it's no big deal. We'll just do something extreme to pay off the debt.

Since it is summer it also means that it's time for summer concert tours as well. None of which I will be attending since I will be working about 10 hours a day trying to make all of the money I spent this year. I literally spent all of it I have about 70 dollars in my bank account right now and I don't start my wonderful UPS job till next week and even that won't pay enough so I have 3 others. But back to the concerts and music. I don't like the way that rock music is going in these days. I watch fuse alot and whenever they put a new band on the music sounds like a bad demo tape. And the worst part is that people are actually BUYING THEIR ALBUMS!

Our country really has no mind left. Every time I hear that they are making a new season of American Idol I feel obligated to slap everyone who watches that show. Because Idol is just the tip of the iceberg. After the networks see the numbers that one retarted show brings in they feel the need to make a spinoff. Hence dancing with the stars was born. If you watch that show you should not be allowed to vote. And then after that they made skating with celebrities. Another mind-numbing television program. And to think that my parents told me nickelodeon was junk T.V. Oh if they could only see into the future.

I like going to D.Q. and ordering a blizzard because they are required to turn it upside down and shake it. Just once I would like to see it fall out and onto the floor. I think it would be a good laugh for everyone watching.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Well now what are you gonna do?

Yea yea I know it's been a while for all those few people who click on my link everyday but hey, it's the end of the school year and I got shit to do so deal with it. Turns out I gotta build a resumee in a day for my UPS interview. I don't even know the first step to that shit but I really need this job.

Today's main point is something that everyone has to deal with here at Marist that eats in the cafeteria. Alot of stuff in that room really pisses me off with the way it's managed as well as the food prep and what not. First off the salad bar needs to stop being a safe haven for hungry people when the entrees suck ass. Whenever I decide to eat a straight salad for dinner because they think it's right to serve ALL VEGETARIAN FOOD!! I'll get to that later, but at the salad bar it's not necessary to chop up the olives in thin slices. It's actually a pain in the ass for me the consumer. This goes for the hard boiled eggs as well. But I know why they chop those up now.

For those of you who do not know why I'll tell you. About 4 years ago there was a student named Sean Clarke. Sean was your typical college kid who like to have fun at other peoples expense, much like myself and the 4th floor. Sean was a nutrition nut so whenever he ate the eggs (everyday) he would take out the yolks and eat the whites. Well it wasn't too long until young Sean discovered that if you throw the yolks at the windows they stick to them. So he would do this all the time whenever he ate eggs. He claims to have gotten all the windows in the student center as well as the rotunda, and of course the school never found out who it was. Well one day Sean was eating and his buddy bet he couldn't hit the other side of the cafe windows with a yolk. Now young Sean wasn't a man to step down from a challenge so he went and did it. Now the trick was to throw the yolks sidearm so they could get enough velocity on it without hitting the ceiling. So he winds up and lets it rip, but at that very moment someone was walking right down the mian aisle in the cafe. Turns out Sean hits the biggest hosebeast girl lacrosse player right in the side of the head. Well he ducked under the table and hid for a while just as any scared person would do. He stopped throwing eggs after this incident and after that year the eggs have been chopped up at the salad bar at all times.

They also tend to have alot of brown lettuce sitting in the big bins next to the plates, like they don't want to give you fresh lettuce to enjoy. I feel like there's going to be some sort of bug crawling out of there one day and into some poor vegetarians salad. They should enjoy the bugs, it's all natural.

The cereal selections don't even make up for the bad salad bar. They will have like one or two things filled with good cereal like cocoa puffs or cap'n crunch and then the rest will be total or rice krispies. And of course the good stuff is gone within the hour and the alternatives will be there for a few weeks. What don't they get about the fact that whatever is gone faster is what's in demand and won't rot. What business dropout is running this?

It pisses me off that they tried to slowly change the portion sizes for meals. They never gave you enough to begin with and now they're trying to give you less. First they started to give you less on your plate, then they decide to invest in smaller plates with the same portions as before so it looks like your getting alot. Now they're even cutting down on that portion. How dumb is this manager. Does he not know that more than half of those kids are on an UNLIMITED meal plan? We can eat whenever we want and however much we want, so save us the second trip to the line and give us some damn food.

I think this is Marist' way to cut down on the people that put on weight and to try and save money.